Access Self Storage celebrates a warm Catford welcome!

29 July 2019
We’ve been looking forward to coming to Catford for a while now. If you caught our earlier post on the topic, you’ll know we could barely contain our excitement! But no matter how enthusiastic we were, it’s always tough to make new friends in a new town. Well, almost always. We’re delighted to say that Catford’s residents, local council and enterprises have loved the idea of having more options for personal and business self storage – and, of course, the jobs created by our new 120,000 square foot branch. 

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There’s no better example of this terrific Lewisham hospitality than our launch event on 4 June, where we laid on drinks and nibbles to say a big “thank you” for the warm welcome. It was whole heaps of fun and really well attended by Catford entrepreneurs and Access Self Storage management alike – including the big man, Fred Taylor. 

We couldn’t agree more – and we’re very sorry about the tiny paper scissors. A big ribbon – and a big launch event – needs big scissors. It was an oversight, and it won’t happen again, Councillor! We were also delighted that councillor and Deputy Mayor Alan Smith showed up – especially since he agreed to open the store with Fred. Smith, who is incredibly supportive of the fresh opportunities the new location gives the area’s entrepreneurs, commented: “Lewisham has the highest percentage of small business start-ups in the country. If we can find opportunities for more businesses to grow and develop, that is a good thing.” 


We couldn’t be happier with how it went, or with how our new store is shaping up. It’s headed by Access Self Storage veteran Rhys Birks, who you might recognise from our West Norwood branch, and the site provides personal and business storage 24/7 (T&C's apply). You’ll also find a range of packaging options, telephone answering, a receipt and dispatch facility, free pallet trucks and forklifts, a drive-in loading bay (we’re not about to make you haul your stuff in from one of our ample parking spaces!), a covered loading bay and customisable office space. 
Unsurprisingly, after rave reviews from our happy business customers, that last bit is proving catnip – sorry Catford cat, we couldn’t resist – to local businesses: 24 Lewisham enterprises have already signed up.

Paul Arbuckle, one of those happy customers, is over the moon with the Catford store’s service: “Access Self Storage in Catford was literally the answer to my prayers. Taking out storage there allowed me to consolidate my storage into one lovely, 150 sq ft, easily accessible space, and all for less than my previous storage cost. What's more they moved my items from my previous storage for free – and all with a smile! I am not sure if there’s something in the tea, but they are one of the friendliest companies I have dealt with.”
We can assure you, Paul, those smiles are all natural!

Steve Nelson, Government Relations Director at the South East London Chamber of Commerce, was also full of praise for the work Access Self Storage has put into the Catford store: “Space that is not only reasonably priced but cheap is invaluable. I am very pleased to see those 24 offices fill. Commercial space here is premium, air conditioned and clean.”

But as nice as receiving such glowing praise is, it’s nothing compared to having Magnum PI himself show up at your event. Looking good, Tom Selleck! The clean-shaven look suits you.

Access Self Storage Catford is located on Bromley Road in SE6. It provides convenient, secure business and local storage to Lewisham and the wider South East London area. 
