Refreshing your workspace | A working from home guide

26 February 2021
Across the UK, people have become well acquainted with working from home. Early in the Covid-19 crisis, people experimented and adapted their workspaces to provide maximum comfort and productivity, but we’ve settled into a routine since then.

As many of us continue to work from home indefinitely, it’s worth taking the time to create our perfect workspace – and it doesn’t have to cost a lot or take a long time. We’ve gathered some expert advice and pointers from our working from home guide to offer some top-notch home office tips.

A computer with a working from home guide

Decide the essentials

It’s common wisdom that a clear workspace is ideal for a clear mind, but it’s easy to accumulate stuff and things in your home office or workspace. As you begin to reimagine your workspace, decide what you really need to take with you. Clear away everything you don’t regularly use; you may be surprised at what a simple setup you can get by with.

Convert that room

Once you know what you’re bringing with you into your new home office, it’s time to get to it. If you’re fortunate enough to have a spare room, now is the perfect time to convert it into a multi-functional home office. Over the course of a weekend, you can repaint the walls, reorganise the furniture, set up your desk, and create your ideal home office. Having pared down your workspace in the previous step, you’ll only need storage for your essentials, creating a more spacious and efficient environment.

No room? No problem!

Of course, many people don’t have the luxury of an extra room and still need to work from home – but the perfect home office is still within reach for these people. Working from the same table you eat on can be inconvenient at the best of times, so it’s worth considering setting up a dedicated workspace. Even if you can’t dedicate an entire room to home working, most people can still find somewhere to set up a desk.

None of this suggests that you don’t already know how to work from home, but rather that it’s far more comfortable, and many people feel more productive with a dedicated workspace. It helps people separate “home” and “work” life while they’re taking place under one roof.

If you’re struggling to see where a small desk might fit, consider putting some less-used items of furniture in self-storage – it’s cheaper and easier than you might imagine – until you’re back in the office. Once you’ve made room and set up a desk, arrange your storage so that everything you need on a day-to-day basis is within reach, and have somewhere to store items that aren’t in use, so your desk doesn’t get cluttered.

A man reading a working from home guide

Embrace the outdoors

Many people overlook their gardens when it comes to making the most of their space, so the last of our home office tips focus on the outdoors. A garden shed is an excellent place to store excess clutter – just be sure that you aren’t storing anything that is particularly temperature-sensitive or risks damage if it gets a little damp. If you’re storing documents in a shed, be sure to properly box them and perhaps toss in a few dehumidification packets. The dehumidification packets are available cheaply online, and your local Access Self Storage can provide you with all of the boxes and packing material you’ll ever need.

Download our free working from home guide

If you’re looking for more tips, you can download the Working From Home Guide for free.

We also launched our Working from Home Offer, which includes half-price storage for up to 12 weeks and 20% off packaging for a limited time only. We hope that this will make life easier if you’re decluttering or redesigning your home workspace. 
